Sunday, May 1, 2011

Holliday Settled Springfield Township

Samuel Holliday, a captain in the Revolutionary War and seemingly the first settler of Springfield Township, was a native of Franklin County, Pa. He was born Nov. 26 1755, the son of James Holliday, killed by Indians in the early settlement of Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth McDowel. James was the son of pioneer John Holliday, who died in 1770 in Carlisle, Pa. Samuel came to Erie County in 1796 purchasing 700 acres on the borders of Lake Erie at the mouth of Crooked Creek in April of 1797. Later, he returned to Franklin County where he married Jeanette Campbell, who died June 27, 1851, at the age of 81 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Holliday were probably parents of the first female child born in that township, named Elizabeth, whose birth was listed as May 14, 1798. She died Oct. 17 1834, aged 36 years and five months. She was married to Edward Ward. Their children were John (1803-1872); Samuel Jr., born Sept. 27, 1805. He married Elizabeth Porter in 1840, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Porter who were among the first settlers of Girard. Samuel Jr. and Elizabeth's children were: Robert P., Capt. Charles C. (born April 30, 1843) married Mary C. Blakely. He died in 1893. Charles and Mary's children were: Benjamin W., Wallace, Francis J. and Ada. William, son of Samuel Sr. and Elizabeth McDowel Holliday was born Nov. 7, 1806, and died April 26, 1887. William married Fanny Post of Connecticut and their children were: Major Samuel V. Holliday, born Oct. 2 1841; Eliza J., widow of D. M. Richardsom; James C. and William P. Major Samuel V. Holliday married Nov. 10 1864, Margaret S. Gould of Springfield, Pa. To this union were born: William Morris, Ann G., Evan Lee and Fanny L.

In 1801, Samuel Holliday Sr. erected the first saw mill and grist mill in Springfield Township. He was also instrumental in helping to establish the old graveyard. A prominent man and well known throughout the area, he was one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church at East Springfield. Samuel died in 1846 and his remains are interred in the East Springfield Cemetery. Samuel Holliday enlisted as a Priv. 6th Class, 7th Co. 4th Battalion of the Cumberland Cuunty Militia under Col. Samuel Culbertson.

from Erie, Pa., Times-News, Sunday, July 4,n 1976 page 7-D

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